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Building DuckPGQ

Installation instructions from source

git clone --recurse-submodules

Note that using --recurse-submodules will ensure that the correct version of DuckDB is pulled, allowing you to get started.

Building the extension

To build the extension, run the following command:

make release

For debug build:

make debug

Or, if you have Ninja installed:

make <debug> GEN=ninja

The main binaries that will be built are:

./build/<build mode>/duckdb
./build/<build mode>/test/unittest
./build/<build mode>/extension/duckpgq/duckpgq.duckdb_extension

  • duckdbis the binary for the DuckDB shell with the extension code automatically loaded.
  • unittestis the test runner of DuckDB. Again, the extension is already linked into the binary.
  • duckpgq.duckdb_extensionis the loadable binary as it would be distributed.

Running the extension

Start the shell by executing ./build/<build mode>/duckdb to run the extension code.