Loading DuckPGQ
Starting from DuckDB v1.0.0
, it is possible to load the DuckPGQ extension as a community extension. Please note that this version is not the latest. For instructions on loading the latest version, see Loading the latest version.
Loading the Community Version
To install and load the community version of DuckPGQ, use the following SQL commands in the DuckDB CLI or within a DuckDB connection:
-- Install the DuckPGQ extension from the community repository
INSTALL 'duckpgq' FROM 'community';
-- Load the DuckPGQ extension
LOAD 'duckpgq';
Loading the latest version
To use the latest version of DuckPGQ, you will need to enable the unsigned
flag in DuckDB. This allows the installation of custom, unsigned extensions from external repositories.
To load the latest version in the DuckDB CLI:
- Start DuckDB with the
- Run the following commands to set up the custom extension repository and load the latest DuckPGQ version:
SET custom_extension_repository = 'http://duckpgq.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com';
FORCE INSTALL 'duckpgq';
LOAD 'duckpgq';
To load the latest version of DuckPGQ within a Python environment, follow these steps:
Connect to DuckDB with the allow_unsigned_extensions
flag enabled:
Execute the following commands to load the latest version of DuckPGQ:
conn.execute("SET custom_extension_repository = 'http://duckpgq.s3.eu-north-1.amazonaws.com';")
conn.execute("FORCE INSTALL 'duckpgq';")
conn.execute("LOAD 'duckpgq';")
- The community version of DuckPGQ is stable but may not include the latest features or fixes.
- The latest version from the custom repository contains the most up-to-date features and improvements, but it requires the use of the